Thursday, May 20, 2010

What to Wear

In Egypt, the sun can be intense and temperatures high from late spring to early fall. You can check average temperatures and short-range forecasts for Cairo on the internet at Keep in mind that during certain months the temperatures can be scorching during the day and chilly enough to need a jacket or sweater at night.

Many of you have asked about appropriate dress for Egypt being that it is largely a Muslim country.

Below are the guidelines given to me by the local affiliate and I ask that you respectfully ask that you follow them. 

On the job site:
In Egypt both men and women dress modestly in the villages wearing shirts to their wrists and pants or skirts to their ankles even in the summer heat. Neither men nor women may wear shorts.  

While in the community (on the build sites, visiting neighbors, at your accommodations) you will be representing Habitat for Humanity, and you will be expected to dress appropriately. Modest dress is a sign of respect for the culture and people, and will earn you the same.

Women and men alike should wear loose-fitting shirts that cover the shoulders, upper arms and torso - no tank-tops/sleeveless shirts or shirts exposing the midriff

Please keep in mind that you will be bending and stretching during your building with the community and that clothing tends to move and shift. Full length pants for women are appropriate at all times.
Foreign women are not expected to wear headscarves or cover their faces.

Clothing with offensive or suggestive logos, pictures, or writing, in English or any other language, is inappropriate and should not be brought to Egypt. In general, HFH Egypt also requests that you wear clothing without obvious commercial logos during your build days, since such images create problems when using photographs for communications purposes. We will also be providing each volunteer a HFH Egypt T-shirt that can be worn during build days.

Make sure you have sturdy, closed-toe footwear for the times when you are building. Keep in mind that your shoes will get dirty – with dust, dirt, and cement – and possibly ruined.

Sightseeing in Cairo or elsewhere:

Modest dress is still strongly encouraged, however men may consider wearing long shorts and women will be accepted in long crop pants. Keep in mind that even in Cairo the majority of the population dresses very conservatively. As a representative of Habitat for Humanity International, we ask you to keep this in mind while packing. Regarding the Nile cruise, I have asked the agent for proper dress code during these activities.

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